Our newest Counselor, Paul, is the husband of Woodforest Counseling Founder Kristin Abrahams for 24 years. He is available Wednesday and Thursday evenings throughout the Spring and Summer of 2023.
He is Biblically trained through his Masters of Theology Coursework at Dallas Theological Seminary and trained in Counseling Psychology at Mars Hill Graduate School (Now Seattle School of Theology and Psychology). Over the last 2 decades he has worked with young men on their journey to manhood, dealing with issues of pornography addiction, relationship issues and forgiveness, alcohol abuse, father wounds, and marriage and seriously dating relationships.
He was a leader and mentor in The Woodlands through Watermark Community Church's instrumental ministries Regeneration (for addiction and recovery), Reengage (marriage ministry), and Merge (premarital ministry) for almost 7 years as many couples and men saw their lives transformed by the yielding of their hearts to Christ.
At Woodforest Counseling, he serves as the marketing lead, and helper to Kristin as she counsels individuals and marriages in Mongtomery County.
Some of his greatest heroes in the faith, Henri Nouwen, Thomas Merton, Rumi, John Eldredge, Richard Rohr, Martin Buber, and Dan Allender, are men who also lead (or led) a life where they are "Leading with a Limp," embracing their brokenness to be a truly strong man.
Paul is excited and grateful to be a part of Woodforest Counseling and eager to lend his story to other men to spur them to greatness as they engage manhood!